LARRY KUDLOW: Democrats refuse medications for their Trump Derangement Syndrome
Democrats are obsessed with stopping Trump, Kudlow says
Larry Kudlow: Democrats are obsessed with stopping Trump
Fox Business host Larry Kudlow says the more Democrats try to stop Trump, the dumber they look on 'Kudlow.'
Democrats can't stop trying to stop Donald Trump from running for president. They're obsessed with stopping him. It's in their DNA. They refuse medications for their Trump Derangement Syndrome. They do not want an actual November election. They'll subvert any constitutional or even institutional process to keep Trump from running and the more they try, the dumber they look and the dumber they look the more voter sympathy builds for Mr. Trump. I don't think any of us have seen anything like this ever.
The most recent of course is the Colorado Supreme Court made up of 7 Democrats ruled that Mr. Trump be disqualified under the 14th Amendment, drafted after the Civil War, to apply to those who fought for the confederacy. This is known as the "insurrection" charge. Of course, it will be overturned by higher courts, but, what's so remarkable about these crazy Democrats is that Mr. Trump has never been convicted, no wait a minute, he's never even been charged with any crime relating to insurrection.
Even Special Counsel Jack Smith, who works for Attorney General Merrick Garland, who works for President Joe Biden, even they have not charged Trump with incitement or insurrection. Let's go back in time and take a listen to Mr. Trump's actual speech on January 6: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
Left has 'completely lost their minds when it comes to Trump: Sen. Eric Schmitt
Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo, reacts to the Colorado Supreme Court barring Trump from the ballot on 'Kudlow.'
"Peacefully and patriotically" is not insurrection. It's called "free speech" and on that topic, even if Mr. Trump believes that he won the 2020 presidential election and he says so, that is called "free speech." That is the first amendment. That is not only not insurrection, it's not a crime. He may be right, or he may be wrong, but in our free country, he is allowed to say so and he is permitted to run again.
Here's the great Alan Dershowitz on this: "In the sixty years I've been practicing and teaching law, I have never seen a decision that's so antidemocratic and so unconstitutional."
Here's eminent constitutional professor, Jonathan Turley: "It is an anti-democratic opinion and it could set us on a course that would be incredibly destabilizing for our system."
These crazy 14th Amendment insurrectionist charges to keep Trump off state ballots have been tried in nearly three dozen states across the country, but as of this writing, except for the liberal ankle-biters in Colorado, wiser heads have prevailed elsewhere and a bunch of the dumb charges were thrown out.
Oh, by the way, if the insurrection disqualification were ever upheld, then Colorado Republicans will change their bylaws and move to a caucus system, which will then nominate Trump. They are a commonsense bunch and, of course, Joe Biden chimed in today to say Trump supported insurrection.
So, Joe, why didn't your AG bust Trump for that or your special counsel? Here's a thought: because there's no case. There is no insurrection. The Democrats' disregard for the law has spread over many other issues. The law says protect America's sovereignty, but the Democrats favor open borders with over 10,000 illegals streaming into the U.S. every day.
The Supreme Court says Joe Biden has no executive authority to cancel student loans, but he's doing it anyway. The Supreme Court also ruled that the EPA did not have the legal authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, but the Bidens were doing it anyway, and of course, pay-for-play influence peddling and international bribery are forbidden under the law, but evidence is mounting that the Biden family ignored those laws too.
More generally, far-left liberals have always disregarded the law. They are government command and control advocates and the so-called "deep state" and their left-wing masters, will break any law in order to achieve their socialist economics and their woke culture, including breaking our democracy into a thousand pieces. That's my Riff.