Eviction moratorium puts NY landlord $50K in debt with 'nowhere to turn'
Employed renter has refused to make payments since March 2020, Suzanne Antolini claims
Eviction moratorium puts NY landlord $50K in debt: 'We have nowhere to turn'
New York landlord Suzanne Antolini tells 'Varney & Co.' she's a victim of a tenant 'gaming the system' and refusing to pay rent while employed because he cannot be evicted.
A New York landlord told "Varney & Co." Thursday the Biden administration's eviction moratorium has left her $50,000 in debt and "out of options" with an employed tenant "gaming the system" and refusing to pay rent.
Long Island homeowner Suzanne Antolini told FOX Business' Stuart Varney she's not sure if she will ever see the all money owed by her tenant since March 2020 as she's up against a backlogged court system.
"We have exhausted all options at this point," Antolini said. "We have no programs that we can ask for any money… We have no alternative at this point but to wait for the moratorium to be lifted, and the problem is it keeps being extended."
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's temporary ban halts evictions until Oct. 3, replacing a previous moratorium that was set to expire July 31.
Antolini has not been able to participate in the federal government's Emergency Rental Assistance Program because the application must be initiated by her tenant.
"If he were to do that, he would be admitting to fraud," she said.
NY landlord: Eviction moratorium has me in debt with 'nowhere to turn'
New York landlord Suzanne Antolini tells 'Varney & Co.' she's exhausted all avenues in trying to remove an employed tenant who hasn't paid rent since March 2020.
Antolini also contacted the Nassau County treasurer who told her there are no programs available for landlords for extensions on paying taxes on their properties. Antolini is one of four owners of the home. Two are elderly and on a fixed income.
"We have nowhere to turn," she said. "I would love for, you know, one of the sections of maybe the moratorium should be people like ourselves who know that our tenant is capable of paying and is choosing not to. Where do we go? Who do we speak to? We can't get in front of a judge."